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641-260-1703 $\bullet$\\ $\bullet$ $\bullet$

\textbf{Grinnell College} \hfill \textbf{Grinnell, IA}\\
\textit{Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science} \hfill May 2017
    \item Selected Coursework: Computer Security, Computer Vision, Thinking in C \& Unix
\section{Professional Experience}
\textbf{ICS Advance Technologies} \hfill \textbf{Remote from Mendocino, CA}\\\emph{Software Engineer} \hfill \emph{August 2018 - Present}
\textbf{ICS Advanced Technologies} \hfill \textbf{Remote from Mendocino, CA}\\\emph{Software Engineer} \hfill \emph{August 2018 - Present}

ICS is an internet service provider. We primarily serve apartment complexes. We provide tenants internet as an amenity service with an option to subscribe to higher speeds. I build the backend that manages internet speeds and interfaces with network equipment to authenticate user devices.
ICS is an internet service provider that primarily serves apartment complexes. We provide tenants internet as an amenity and offer higher speeds as a subscription service.
    \item Work on a customer facing Ruby on Rails application that onboards new tenants and lets them manage their internet subscription
    \item Engineer micro-services in Golang that manage databases, authenticate JWTs, make API calls to networking equipment, and serve data to front ends
    \item Designed and built a React application from the ground up
    \item Integrate with Stripe to collect payments and fulfill service with webhooks
    \item Worked on a Ruby on Rails application that onboards tenants and lets them manage their internet subscription
    \item Used Stripe to collect payments and fulfill service with webhooks
    \item Designed and launched a new React web application
    \item Wrote a variety of micro-services in Go
    \item Implemented a JWT authentication and authorization system
    \item Collaborated with other departments to make the user experience as smooth as possible
\textbf{FabPro1} \hfill \textbf{Cedar Rapids}\\\emph{PHP Web Developer} \hfill \emph{April 2017 - May 2018}

FabPro1 is a startup that offers a SaaS for the prefabrication industry. I designed a system that lets users generate and save interactive charts.
\textbf{FabPro1} \hfill \textbf{Cedar Rapids, IA}\\\emph{PHP Web Developer} \hfill \emph{April 2017 - May 2018}

FabPro1 is a startup that offers a SaaS for the prefabrication industry. I designed a system that lets users generate and save interactive charts that measure shop productivity.
    \item Fullstack web development with JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL
    \item Created interactive data visualizations in JavaScript with echarts
    \item Worked as a full-stack web developer
    \item Primarily used JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, and MySQL
    \item Crafted interactive data visualizations in JavaScript
    \item Built MySQL schemas and optimized complex queries

\section{Personal Projects}

Dotfile is a version control system for single files. My goal is to make sharing configuration files between systems simple and user friendly.
Dotfile is a version control system for single files. My goal is to make sharing configuration files between systems simple and user friendly. It has CLI and web server components that are both written in Go.
    \item Created full featured command line interface
    \item Designed web application with go templates that lets users find, share, and retrieve files
    \item Made use of a variety of the Golang standard library
    \item Command line interface that tracks, pushes, and pulls files
    \item Polished web application where users can create, find, share, and retrieve files
    \item Fully documented and tested

Cosmo's Tuna is a simple e-commerce site I designed. It runs on vanilla JavaScript/HTML and is served with AWS.
Cosmo's Tuna is a simple e-commerce site. It runs on JAMstack and is hosted with AWS. The site is live and receives regular orders.
    \item Hosted with S3, CloudFront, and Route53
    \item Process orders with API Gateway, Golang lambda handlers, and Stripe
    \item Write build and deploy scripts with Bash and Makefile
    \item Built with a variety of AWS services including S3, CloudFront, Lambda, Route53, API Gateway, SNS, and SES
    \item Processes orders with Stripe
    \item Uses a build and deploy system with Bash and Makefile
\section{Preferred Tools}
Golang, JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, SQL, Linux, Docker, Emacs, Vim, JetBrains \\
\textbf{Grinnell College} \hfill \textbf{Grinnell, IA}\\
\textit{Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science} \hfill May 2017

Selected Coursework: Computer Security, Computer Vision, Thinking in C \& Unix