knoebber / emacs / commits

Hash Message Timestamp
dc7ef91 Use general; add go config again 10/07/2023 6:28PM
6e1b031 better elixir autocomplete 10/06/2023 5:11AM
94c8efb 09/10/2023 4:51AM
e0a4b9d more elixir 04/08/2023 7:39PM
cbe9bca use eglot and treesitter for elixir 02/26/2023 8:47PM
1f92228 remove go testing, add ripgrep 09/10/2022 3:52PM
1d1b1f5 fix org-mode; remove cruft; remove melpa-stable 05/27/2022 4:04AM
748c24d elixir 04/02/2022 3:02AM
7228a66 rip grep 01/28/2022 7:25PM
e6433c9 Set org src indent to 0 12/18/2021 6:21PM
5df3def remove origami 11/11/2021 5:16PM
713e3fe remove exec path from shell 11/09/2021 8:06PM
09c3506 enable lsp in go-mode 06/01/2021 4:52PM
6c950e4 fix problem with evil load order 05/29/2021 6:30PM
fdcc850 add my blog to rss 05/18/2021 6:57PM
6f3f4f3 add tsx 05/17/2021 12:37AM
f8b91b8 fix export-nicolasknoebber 03/13/2021 7:03PM
47c6ab3 change site export to use org-publish-all 02/18/2021 2:37AM
fad47bf rename personal-website to 02/12/2021 5:33AM
8d8c948 use web-mode for .tpl files 02/11/2021 6:28PM
01aa822 replace evil-magit with evil-collection 02/04/2021 3:32AM
378c673 remove custom times, add export rss 01/18/2021 6:42AM
5509b27 use org-contrib for rss exporting 01/06/2021 12:25AM
6b8f2ac 12/19/2020 4:56AM
1743ec7 automatically enable flycheck-mode and auto-fill-mode in org-mode 11/04/2020 6:54PM
28c282f remove comments 10/29/2020 2:49AM
ee36a49 10/29/2020 2:47AM
aa70d62 Initial commit 09/15/2020 3:24PM